Rating women based on makeup. What does makeup say about a woman? Why doesn't my girlfriend wear makeup? The main reasons a girl doesn’t like to wear makeup

I know what you want even now, without seeing you in person and being a couple of parsecs from your preoccupied face. What girls want, sometimes they themselves don’t understand.

Chaos theory

She just wanted a new dress, now she wants a cappuccino, post a cat on Instagram and go to Italy for the New Year. Tomorrow he wants to go to Thailand, and not for New Year, but for Christmas. The Brownian movement of girls' thoughts in their carefully plastered heads cannot be described by any Chaos Theory. Fortunately, our body is often much smarter than ourselves - being able to at least basicly “read” the language of gestures and body movements, you can understand whether you should pick up this chick, or you can go for it right now... The main thing is not to make a mistake when interpreting the messages sent her body signals.

“Only 7% of information in communication is transmitted verbally”

You've probably googled at least once about nonverbal communication, and therefore you know that in human communication, only 7% of information is transmitted verbally (words); the remaining 93% is transmitted by interlocutors to each other through gestures, facial expressions, intonations and other nonverbal methods. The language of gestures and facial expressions arose much earlier than language itself (for example, the leader of a troop of monkeys can explain to others who the alpha male is without any complex sentences), and we all know how to “read” the simplest emotions of the people around us (anger, fatigue, boredom , interest) - understanding body language is absorbed by us from birth. Understanding more complex emotions and secret desires of others is, perhaps, only possible for paralinguistic specialists.

However, the Internet is flooded with information about exactly how to “read” human gestures and postures. This topic is especially popular on sites dedicated to seduction. Smart guys of all stripes (most of whom consider themselves gurus in the analysis of facial expressions and body movements just because they watched the TV series “The Theory of Lies”) consider it their duty to build their own website and teach losers on its pages to understand girlish body language. Such materials clearly came from the pen of Captain Obvious, and I will now explain to you why.

Myths about female coquetry

Open pose

“If your interlocutor likes you, her shoulders, pelvis and knees are turned in your direction, her legs are not crossed, her palms are turned up, she “mirrors” you.”

In theory, yes, but this theory has the same relation to reality as a spherical horse in a vacuum. In our universe - in clubs and other party places - all chicks do is sit cross-legged (a sign of being “closed”), take the most intricate poses (you’ll never know where her knees are pointing, and where her shoulders are pointing), and their hands are occupied with bags, cigarettes, telephones, glasses - only a hereditary magician can turn their palms up in this situation.

She laughs at your jokes

At first glance, everything is true here too - if a girl likes you, she will laugh like crazy, even if you tell the same joke for the third time.

But how do you know what this blonde is really laughing about? She's probably laughing at you because you have a canned mackerel tail stuck in your hipster beard. Because you have a pimple on your nose. Because you emphasized the I in the word “a priori”. And anyway, maybe she just got high in the toilet, and now even the door handle makes her laugh. In the end, chicks just love to laugh - don’t feed us honey, let us grin.

Constantly looking at you

“She listens to you, looking straight at you, her pupils are dilated...”

Stop, mon cher! If a girl likes you, her embarrassment simply will not allow her to look you in the eye; all she can do now is occasionally cast sidelong glances, “bowing her head low.” The hardened bitches who came to the bar to pick up some young meat for dinner look into your eyes without blinking. And what is this crap about dilated pupils? Either your new friend has glaucoma, or she took a lot of amphetamines.


“She straightens her clothes, plays with her hair, paints her lips...”

Bullshit! Girls always straighten their clothes and hair! - talking with friends, sitting at the cinema, returning home in the evening in an empty subway car. We are constantly in character - even when we sleep in cute pajamas with giraffes. Besides, maybe she's wearing uncomfortable underwear, and her bra is treacherously digging into her armpit. And only an experienced female, who knows that you will regard her gesture as flirting, will wrap a curl of hair picturesquely around her finger. In this case, the question is: “Does this girl like you?” is replaced by the question: “Where exactly will she grab you by the balls - near the bar or in a taxi?”

As for “painting your lips in the presence of a male you like” - this is the same bad manners among girls as for men - scratching their balls in front of a girl. "Gop style."

Constantly touches you

“A girl wants you if she sits with her legs spread, rubs her knee against you, or rubs her knees on the legs of the table.”

It seems to me that the guy just drunkenly confused the places and wandered into a strip club, where girls, as you know, are paid to rub themselves on everything. Either your regular girlfriend (lover) or a girl with whom you are already “smooth” will rub against you. This is a completely different stage of the relationship, and at first, playing “cat and mouse” with you, the most a beautiful stranger will do to get closer is to ask you for a smoke.

Obvious and probable

These and other seemingly obvious signs that a girl has a crush on you are not at all obvious. They can be interpreted in different ways. One of my friends recently returned from a club, angry as hell - some girl made eyes at him all evening, danced with him and even allowed herself to be squeezed a little - and then admitted that she just wanted to annoy her ex, who had come to the party with some... then a sucker, and, having achieved the result, drove off home.

On the other hand, all these tricks, with frank stares, winding curls around fingers, laughing on and off topic and an obsessive desire to grab hold of you, indicate one thing - you are clearly being filmed, and there is no longer any need to solve non-verbal puzzles. Better remember which pocket you put the condoms in. If the chicks come to rent, they will hang around your neck even before you have time to check out your coat from the wardrobe. Relax, everything has already happened. But if you absolutely want to know what some mysterious girl with whom you study, work, or cross paths at the bus stop feels about you, a disappointing continuation awaits you.

Bond girl

Understand this: with our mother's milk, we imbibed the skills to hide our emotions. Hide with all your might, especially at the first stage! Nobody wants to hear: “You misunderstood me.” And then you, like that, laugh at his boring jokes and desperately play with your eyes, and then it turns out that you are not his type, that he is busy or even dreamed of meeting your friend, having first become friends with you. Even girls raised in the deep taiga by a tribe of snow people are fluent in the art of masking their feelings. Some people even make it to the wedding without saying a kind word to the groom. So, dear KEP, most likely, in a crowd of different girls, the one who is breathing unevenly towards you is the one standing in the far corner with her back to you. So that, God forbid, I don’t show my sympathy for you.

Disappointed? This is not the end, believe me. And here we return to non-verbal language again.

One hundred percent hit

She glances at you

He throws it, and doesn’t openly stare at it point-blank. If you catch her gaze, the girl immediately averts it to the side, as if she was not looking at you at all, but at the Repin painting above your head. Everything fits - she doesn’t want to prematurely reveal her interest.

She lets you invade her intimate area

As you know, we only allow close people to stand next to us, clap us on the shoulder, hug and squeeze us - relatives, close friends, lovers, children. With the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth, each of us prefers to maintain a distance of one to one and a half meters, excluding hellish rush hours in the subway. If a girl is sexually interested in you, she will let you into her intimate area without hesitation. The intimate zone is a space of approximately 45 cm around the body, which a person considers, in fact, an extension of the body. If you get that close and the girl doesn't shy away from you like a virgin from the secret order of Shaolin nuns - bingo! Perhaps without even realizing it, she considers you one of her own!

Keeps the conversation going

Very often, girls communicate with you only because at the moment they have nothing else to do - a friend went to the toilet, the taxi they called was delayed... From the outside it looks something like this: she periodically lets out phrases like “Uh-huh” and “Cool! ", without getting out of your cell phone. Perhaps she will notice that you have already gone home a long time ago, in about twenty minutes... A girl who is really interested in you will sincerely maintain a meaningful conversation. Ask questions about you and your interests. Talk about yourself. In general, he will become a full-fledged interlocutor. It is clear that we gradually moved away from non-verbal to verbal, but I hope you understand the meaning - a girl who is interested in you will be happy to start an active conversation with you.

“Just don’t let your joy slip that you, your wife and mother-in-law, are raising beautiful twins.”

follows you

In the literal sense of the word. We girls are designed in such a way that at the stage of getting to know each other and getting closer, we adapt to our partner’s behavior, giving him the initiative. It’s easy to check - if you’re hanging out in an apartment, invite her to leave the noisy company and go to the kitchen, where you can talk calmly. If it's happening at a club, take her to play air hockey or drink coffee at a table in the lounge area. If you intercepted your beautiful friend at the university, start a conversation on any topic. If she is interested in you, she will certainly stop to chat with you, even if she was previously engrossed in conversation with a friend.

You don’t have to go somewhere - you can change the topic of conversation, observing whether the interlocutor adapts to you, at a party, offer her to change alcohol, for example, switch from champagne to whiskey, because you are now drinking whiskey... In general, you I understand - you are in control of the situation. If a girl fits into your behavioral pattern and agrees to any kind of chatter in your company, she likes you.


She doesn’t constantly laugh like a crazy person, with or without reason, but she smiles. Not necessarily looking at you - she can listen to your inspirational story about the new album of the group Muse and smile while looking out the window. We have almost forgotten that a smile is not necessarily a sign that something makes a person laugh. People smile with joy, and, by the way, they laugh too. So, if a smile does not leave your interlocutor’s face while communicating with you, she is very happy to spend time in your company. Appreciate it!

“People smile with joy, and, by the way, they laugh too”

In general, dear friend, to be absolutely sure that your passion does not have pinched facial nerves that cause a permanent smile, and that your savvy friends did not glue your hand with tape, so she relentlessly follows you, even to the men’s room, take courage and ask: “Do you like me?” Ninety-nine percent to one that you will get a truthful answer. And you won't have to rack your anxious head.

Features of female psychology. Emotions. How to evoke them in a girl and why it is EXTREMELY important in seduction. How girls test guys. Why do many guys get dumped at the inspection stage? Types of checks. Proper communication during inspections. You will learn all this on our

Each woman wants to be attractive and beautiful, but not everyone likes to spend a lot of time on makeup. According to psychologists, by the way a woman puts on makeup, you can get an idea of ​​her character. Cosmetics can tell a lot about a woman and her preferences. What does makeup say about a woman?

Some women They prefer not to wear makeup at all. There can be many reasons for such an attitude towards cosmetics, including skin problems, an allergic reaction, and lack of money. But mostly women refuse to use cosmetics without any serious reasons. Psychologists believe that such women have low self-esteem, that is, they consider themselves unattractive and do not see the point in wearing makeup. In addition, the reason for the reluctance to wear makeup may be the example of a mother or sister. For example, if a mother did not like to take care of herself in her youth, then her daughter unconsciously copies her.

Much depends on what a girl grew up on Wednesday. If in childhood she was friends only with boys, then in adulthood she will consider girls who wear makeup to be strange. Sometimes not wearing makeup can be a sign of feminism. In this case, the girl wants to be on an equal footing with men and believes that only weak women wear makeup. The reason for refusing cosmetics may also be a woman’s lack of time. For example, young mothers may devote little time to themselves while caring for a newborn baby.

They can also get by women without makeup for whom there is nothing more important in life than a career. They spend all day at work and believe that a businesswoman’s makeup should be natural. They are already respected and appreciated by those around them, but in their opinion, they don’t need to look even more beautiful. There are women who don’t wear makeup because they are too lazy to apply makeup every day in the morning and remove makeup in the evening. The lack of makeup in any case indicates that the woman is devoid of femininity and is quite selfish. She doesn’t try to please anyone, and is sure that she is already beautiful.

Eat women who don’t like to wear makeup, but regularly apply a little touch-up just because it’s customary. They can only line their eyes with a contour pencil, or only paint their lips, and sometimes mascara is enough for them. These women are very modest in nature, there are no passionate heartbreakers among them. They attract men with their intelligence, intelligence and ability to listen. But they don't like to be the center of attention.

Supporters People who wear bright makeup often want to stand out. They want to attract the attention of others to their person, believing that makeup will help change their lives. If a woman, unexpectedly for those around her, began to wear bright makeup, this indicates that she is experiencing internal anxiety and wants to solve her personal problems. Sometimes a woman’s “war paint” may be associated with her desire to hide her natural unattractiveness or some defects in her appearance.

If woman suffers from perfectionism, this will be reflected in her. Perfectionists are constantly dissatisfied with themselves and constantly strive for perfection. They sit for hours in front of the mirror, creating beauty, but they fail to achieve perfection. Psychologists call such women “narcissists.” The character of a narcissist woman is quite complex, and it is not easy to get along with her.

Many women for years they do not change the tone of lipstick, the color of eye shadow and foundation. They do the same makeup for work and for an evening out. Lovers of the same makeup are conservative individuals by nature. You shouldn't give them expensive cosmetics, you'll just waste money and time. They won't use it anyway.

Women who often use the services of beauty salons to apply professional makeup are capricious by nature. They love to receive expensive gifts and appreciate surprises and stylish things. Their mood changes often. Deep down, these women are not confident in their attractiveness; they believe that only a professional can help them achieve perfection. Uniqueness, famous brand cosmetics, style - these are the priorities of a woman who often uses the services of professionals.

If woman When she puts emphasis on her eyes in makeup, she wants to emphasize her intellectual abilities. These are smart and mysterious women; they do not like to talk much about themselves, but are ready to listen patiently to their interlocutor. Men want to build serious relationships with such women; they do not see them as a sexual partner. A woman with brightly painted lips, on the contrary, attracts men who are interested in sex. Sensitive women who are prone to talkativeness and romance prefer to highlight their lips.

All girls different. Some people won’t even go to the store for bread unpainted, while others don’t even have powder or mascara. What are the reasons for the differences in girls’ attitudes towards makeup, and is it worth completely abandoning the application of cosmetics?

Of course, a complete refusal makeup, as well as war paint, which makes the girl look like a doll - these are two extremes. Therefore, most modern girls and women choose the “golden mean”. They apply subtle makeup every morning, which includes foundation, lipstick, eyeliner pencil and mascara. Over the years, they get so used to their image in cosmetics that their own appearance without makeup seems faded and boring to them.

Imagine what they will come to work Without putting on makeup on their eyes and lips, they can’t even do it anymore. And the reason for this is not at all that they want to look beautiful at work and attract male attention. For them, the lack of makeup is a violation of internal harmony and a departure from their usual comfort zone. At the same time, there are many girls and women who do not use cosmetics at all. The main reasons why they don’t dye at all are the following:

1. Upbringing. The environment in which a girl grew up and her mother’s attitude towards makeup have a huge impact on whether she grows up to be a shy girl or a fashionable coquette. Girls whose mothers wear makeup and style their hair every day behave the same way in adulthood. If a girl grew up in a village where her mother had neither time to put on makeup nor money to buy cosmetics, then as she grows up, she will also try to look natural and natural. That is why it is very easy to recognize provincial women on the streets of large cities. They either don’t wear makeup at all or attract the attention of passers-by with bright, flashy, inappropriate makeup. And vice versa, girls who grew up in families where the mother taught her daughter to take care of herself and use cosmetics from childhood prefer intelligent natural makeup.

2. Love yourself as you are. Today, many girls lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and devote a lot of time to self-care. They, following numerous advice from psychologists, nutritionists and cosmetologists, strive to meet the demands of the time and be like the models advertised on TV screens and the covers of fashion magazines.
To everyone's surprise, last year several models walked the catwalk without any makeup at all. Among them are famous actresses Monica Bellucci and Cate Blanchett. They encourage you to love yourself for who you are. “As soon as you learn to accept yourself and love your natural beauty, you will immediately feel more confident and begin to perceive the world around you in a new way,” they say. Appearance, especially “drawn” appearance, should not have an impact on a person’s success and well-being.

3. Outlook on life. Most often, women who decide to devote themselves to career, science or religion do not wear makeup at all. For them, work and faith come first, where there is no need or time to apply makeup. The main goal of life for them becomes to prove to themselves and others, in order to feel in harmony with themselves, they must first develop themselves, and not waste time on makeup. Such women believe that using cosmetics is a desire to deceive themselves and others.

4. Allergy. Most cosmetics contain harmful substances such as propylene glycol, hydrogen peroxide, sodium benzoate, dyes, fragrances and other acids. In people with sensitive skin types, they cause allergies and lead to significant deterioration of the skin condition. In this case, giving up makeup is the only solution to the problem.

5. Disappointment. As a rule, girls who categorically do not accept makeup believe that you have to be born beautiful, and it is impossible to change the flaws in your appearance with the help of cosmetics alone. Their “female” self-esteem is so low that they no longer try to please anyone and look more attractive in the eyes of men. The fear of repeated disappointment, which they already experienced in their youth, having fallen in love with a guy, forces them to remain a gray mouse and reject their own femininity. An example of such a woman is the character played by Alisa Freindlich in the film “Office Romance.”

5. Laziness. In most cases, girls do not wear makeup simply because they are too lazy to get up early in the morning and waste time applying makeup. These girls prefer to be content with what they have. They feel that makeup takes time and money, which can significantly upset the balance that exists in their lives. Even if mentally lazy women understand that they need to start taking care of themselves, all the questions from others like: “Why don’t you wear makeup?” they answer: “I’m already beautiful!”

In the end, everyone girls looking for an answer to a question: “Should I give up makeup completely?” I would like to advise: no matter what decision you make, try to remain yourself and remember, today everything that helps you look natural and confident is in fashion. It is wrong for girls who are already accustomed to wearing makeup every day to immediately stop wearing makeup. This should be done gradually, reducing the amount of decorative cosmetics to avoid discomfort and unnecessary discussion of others. At the same time, you should not stop using masks and creams for facial skin care. Otherwise, the aging process will accelerate, and your true age will become more noticeable.

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Makeup on men

Makeup as art

Nowadays, almost all women, young and old, use makeup for various purposes. Some people disguise skin imperfections, others make their appearance acceptable to themselves. Some people simply enjoy the process and the feeling. Some people regard makeup as an art. But despite all this, the majority of the population, especially in Russia, most often regard makeup as a means of attracting male attention and charming men.

But makeup cannot be perceived in this way - purely because over time, from just a means of improving one’s appearance, it has turned into a real art and, like any type of art, has its own, so to speak, directions. Every year the beauty industry is growing and developing, more and more small indie brands are appearing, and well-known concerns are expanding more and more. We want to tell you about makeup as an art, and about other visions of makeup - beyond attracting men with it.

Makeup as a means of self-acceptance

Many women do not like themselves and their faces. They don’t dislike, they hate. Every look in the mirror turns into frustration and thoughts that their colleagues and friends are much better and more beautiful than themselves. Maybe you yourself notice this in yourself. This arises due to societal pressure on women. It promotes ideals of beauty that are almost impossible to achieve - an ideal oval face, symmetrical eyes, plump lips, whose shape is adjusted almost to the centimeter. Every year thousands and millions of women become victims of this “ideal” - they fall under the knives of plastic surgeons, undergo untested operations and are treated using strange methods, the mere description of which makes good doctors cry in horror. This is where makeup comes to the rescue. Cosmetics help women correct everything that they don’t like about themselves – from the shape of their eyes to the shape of their face. Yes, even if it’s a visual correction, in a sense, makeup helps women feel confident and not suffer from dissatisfaction with their own appearance.

Makeup as a means of disguise

Unfortunately, human skin is not a perfect canvas, and sometimes problems and diseases arise on it. Sometimes these diseases result in extremely unpleasant skin, such as acne. At the same time, the woman herself may be calm about her appearance, but for example, her manager at work is not. And that's when makeup is required. Makeup helps hide color unevenness in the skin, evens out the tone of the face and makes it look healthy - of course, correctly applied makeup. But no matter how much this makeup helps to hide the external manifestations of these diseases, it is necessary to fight their causes - although in the case of acne this often does not give results. This leads to the fact that without makeup, women begin to feel insecure, begin to be embarrassed and try to cover their faces. First of all, you need to love yourself, no matter what you are, and no matter how happy you are with your own face - self-love will help you feel better, and even if your job requires you to wear a lot of makeup, remember - you are beautiful without him.

Makeup on men

Yes, you heard right. No one is surprised anymore that men use facial and body care products and take care of their own facial hair and hair. But the idea of ​​makeup on men, even if it’s completely invisible, still causes rejection and even disgust in most people. And we are not talking about evening make-up, but purely about the presence of an invisible foundation and moisturizer on the face. In the minds of many ordinary people, makeup is still associated exclusively with women and with attempts to attract the attention of men. And since Russia has an extremely negative attitude towards the LGBT community, this chain in the head (makeup - women - male attention) classifies all men who wear makeup as representatives of a “non-standard” orientation.

Makeup as art

Perhaps the most interesting facet of makeup is art. And not every makeup artist is a master in makeup, but only those who are not afraid to go beyond trends and rules, to create something new and unusual. Yes, creative makeup is often more reminiscent of the play of brushes and paints on a blank canvas, but this is precisely its essence, its feature, and this is precisely what explains its attractiveness for many, many makeup artists. In many ways, creative make-up is a way to express yourself on a canvas, where the canvas is the model’s face, the primer is the foundation, and the paints are all kinds of decorative cosmetics. Creative makeup doesn't have to be beautiful - it has to evoke emotions and show people that you shouldn't lock yourself in a shell of prejudice and think that your lip gloss is too bright for you - don't be afraid of color, texture, shine and yourself first of all. Of course, creative makeup is not something you can “wear” to work or go out – it will be at least strange and uncomfortable, but don’t be afraid to use individual elements from there.

Every woman is beautiful with or without makeup. The bottom line is that each and everyone should feel comfortable as they are - without decorative cosmetics or all sorts of foreign objects, be it eyelash extensions or something else. We must love ourselves and our face, because every person is beautiful - no matter how strange it may sound, but it really is. In creative makeup, a model can be anyone. There is no beautiful or ugly canvas, the main thing is that the painting on it makes you feel emotions. Emotions force us to somehow evaluate everything around us, including the faces of ourselves and other people, and what is on these faces, no matter how strange it may sound. And only they know what emotions those makeup artists who did creative makeup want to evoke in you. Sometimes their most daring ideas are highly appreciated by the most demanding viewer, and sometimes they are admired by ordinary people who are not familiar with the field of creative make-up. As in every creative work, there will always be those who do not understand and reject, and there will be those who admire.

A survey among men shows that they often prefer women without makeup or with a small amount of it. However, it also happens that a representative of the fair sex categorically refuses cosmetics, even if she does not have expressive eyelashes, eyebrows or lips.

Nobody talks about what to use a lot of decorative products and apply a large number of different shades, but everyone should be able to slightly highlight facial features and make imperfections invisible. The highest professionalism in terms of makeup is a woman’s ability to apply it so that others think that it is her natural beauty, and not layers of decorative cosmetics.

There are men who want their loved ones women painted, but can’t understand why it’s so difficult to do? Let's look at the main reasons why girls don't wear makeup and how to solve this problem.

Why doesn't the girl wear makeup?

1. She considers herself beautiful even without decorative products. There is a category of women who are one hundred percent focused on their attractiveness, so they do not use cosmetics and avoid various products that add tints. But this does not mean at all that she is beautiful, and everyone around her can say with confidence how beautiful she is even without makeup. It all depends solely on her opinion and positioning of herself in society. Such a woman is confident in herself, boldly enters into relationships, makes acquaintances and behaves at ease. Cosmetics are not a necessity for her, so she often neglects makeup.

2. Because she's tired of trying to be pretty for everyone, especially if he doesn't pay attention to her.. Many women, after many years of marriage, become convinced that the fortress has been captured, so it’s time to relax. What did she do to attract a man's attention? I picked out outfits, did my hair, put on makeup. Time has passed, and she no longer needs to try to be the best for her beloved, because she already is. There is a mistake on the man’s part, because he demonstrated his sweetness and proved that his heart completely belongs to a particular woman, no matter how she looks.

3. Laziness. One of the most common reasons, but few women can admit it to themselves. It is unlikely that you will meet a woman who will confidently say that she does not wear makeup because she is lazy. Surely she will start telling you about the dangers of decorative products, the environment, etc. Many women stop wearing makeup over time, relaxing more and more every year. For her to start wearing makeup again, something bright and unexpected must happen, for example, the opportunity to take part in some kind of competition or a man whose heart she wants to win.

4. Prefers to spend morning time on something else. Each woman manages her free time immediately after sleep differently. One will take her rightful 20 minutes of sleep, the other will prepare herself a hearty and healthy breakfast, and the third will pay attention to her loved ones. Therefore, such representatives of the fair sex simply do not have time for makeup. In the morning, it is sometimes difficult to force yourself to put on makeup, even for a woman who does it regularly, so having interesting or necessary things to do at this time of day kills the desire to apply makeup.

5. Believes that makeup is not fashionable. Today, many women prefer no makeup, because it is trendy and fashionable. Many designers showcased their unique collections, which featured models in natural looks. Women around the world have begun to promote naturalness and naturalness, so the absence of decorative products is a tribute to fashion.

6. She was raised that way. You've probably heard that children learn a lot from their parents. This does not mean at all that the mother of a particular woman convinced her daughter that she had no need for decorative cosmetics; a personal example was quite enough. Psychologists and sociologists have proven that a woman’s desire to decorate herself and hide her shortcomings is often directly transmitted to her daughter, because she sees everything, takes an example and adopts something. In this case, it will be quite difficult to convince the woman, because she does not understand the problem, it seems to her that she already looks normal, and cosmetics are a waste of money.

7. Depression or apathy. Sometimes a person’s various mental states can affect not only his well-being, but also his lifestyle. If nothing makes a woman happy, and every day brings only negativity, there is a high probability that she will not wear makeup. Sometimes this mood is associated with a tragedy in the family or dismissal from a favorite job, and sometimes it is the result of laziness and lack of motivation. As a result, the woman lies down on the sofa, refuses to do anything, and after a short period of time begins to suffer from the fact that she does nothing and does not achieve any success.

8. Allergy. Unfortunately, some women cannot use cosmetics not of their own free will, but because of a severe allergy to decorative products. Even a simple one causes strong rejection by the body, so the fair sex simply does not take risks.

How to get a woman to do makeup?

- Buy her good cosmetics. There are also those representatives of the fair sex who do not wear makeup because they cannot afford expensive cosmetics, and cheap ones do not suit them. As a result, they don't look very attractive. A man here can give a great boost if he buys several expensive cosmetic products that he won’t be afraid to apply to his skin and won’t be ashamed to show to his friends.

- Compliment her. If a woman receives compliments about her makeup, she will want to prove every day that she is the best. Tell her that this lipstick emphasizes her beautiful lips, mascara makes her already perfect eyelashes longer and thicker, and an unusual shade of eyeshadow adds zest. Just a couple of compliments, and your woman will want to wear makeup for you all the time. Don’t forget to say pleasant words to her as often as possible in order to approve of her actions and prove your love.

- Give her some time. Sometimes women refuse to apply makeup because their loved one is in a hurry, and in the morning all family members need to prepare breakfast. If you want your loved one to wear makeup more often, give her time to do so. Do some of her work in the morning, and in the evening wait for her before going out so that she can choose the shade of lipstick that suits her. Always leave a small amount of time so that she can get herself in order without haste and feel desired and beautiful.

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Beauty for any woman is one of the main reasons for self-improvement. Everyone wants to be beautiful - from a young age to an older one. Decorative cosmetics is a type of artificial transformation that turns an ugly duckling into a beauty. Every girl who reads this article will remember how much time she spends in front of the mirror putting beauty on her face, while they constantly call you and remind you that you are late? Every beautiful lady had, has and will have such moments in life. You will ask why? Yes, because we want to please you, men, to constantly see your views on us, and, in the end, to feel like a queen.

There are two types of beauty: natural and artificial. Let's look at them.

Natural beauty Not every girl can boast, because we are very demanding of ourselves. A small defect on the face causes many complexes in a teenager, and deep depression in an adult lady. But there are still girls who are satisfied with themselves and see absolutely no reason to change anything about themselves. This is natural beauty, when you can do without cosmetics. Agree, it’s a wonderful feeling when you get up early in the morning to work or study, and you’re already beautiful and don’t need to spend a lot of time putting makeup on your face. But there is also a fly in the ointment.

After conducting many social surveys, many conclude that naturalness is not well-groomed. After all, when you go out on the street now you rarely see girls who don’t wear makeup. Of course, this is a false opinion; they are simply comfortable in this way. But this is only in everyday life. If you are an artist or an actor and your life is connected with cameras, then you will have to use cosmetics anyway. After all, this is the transformation of images, namely art.

You should always emphasize your beauty, no matter how beautiful you are.

Artificial beauty- handmade beauty, using developed decorative cosmetics. Almost all females resort to this method, as it is convenient and effective. To do this, it is enough to purchase good cosmetics and learn how to use them.
For modern life, this is not a problem, since there are special video lessons on learning how to apply makeup, courses, articles, etc. That is, all this is available, if there is a desire.

If you have any defects on your face, acne, age spots, scratches, etc. - all this can be hidden with decorative cosmetics. The main conclusion from this is not to overuse what is written. Because probably everyone has encountered such a problem as “war paint”. It is no secret that it is caused by the inability to use decorative cosmetics.

There is an expression: “Nothing can spoil beauty.” So, don’t believe this proverb, because if you do sloppy makeup, you’ll really ruin it.

Men are also divided into different categories, who like girls with makeup and who don’t. There may be various reasons for this. One example is that since childhood a man has seen his mother or grandmother without makeup and heard about the dangers of this procedure. I heard dad tell mom that she was already beautiful without unnecessary interference. Hence the opinion of many young people that a woman’s insecurity is a guarantee of not loving herself. So the man adheres to this strategy. But there is a category of people for whom the opposite happened.

Hello friends! In touch Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today I am discussing a topic that has absolutely no practical significance for humanity. It’s just an interesting topic and I wanted to cover it!

Recently I was sitting and thinking about what to write, and then the thought occurred to me that it would be cool to develop the topic of cosmetics. In general, as a result of all these contradictions of the mind and sense of humor, an article was born today why do girls wear makeup.

Maybe after this I will be cursed by the entire female race, but I can’t afford to start this topic without remembering an old funny joke:

Why do girls wear makeup, wear heels and perfume themselves?
Because they are scary, small and smelly

Of course, this is all a joke of humor, but, as you know, in every joke there is only a grain of humor. Everything else is pure truth.

Probably a third of the girls have already broken the monitor with a mouse and thrown the system unit out the window, but for the rest I recommend reading the post to the end.

I doubt that many girls have ever wondered why they wear makeup at all.

Most people will answer this question quickly and without thinking: to look attractive. And of course they will be right. But will this be a complete answer to the question of whether a girl needs to wear makeup? No and no again! Today I will try to dig into the essence of such a phenomenon as women's cosmetics. So, let's take our seats, it will be interesting, I promise!

Why do girls wear makeup anyway?

Of course, to please us - men. But not only men, women too. Moreover, if a girl has some minor skin defect that is not covered by makeup, a man is unlikely to pay attention to it. But another woman will definitely notice him, and on occasion she may be sarcastic about this.

But if you dig deep into the problem, then the other side of the coin will be revealed - the internal one. Whatever one may say, everyone has skin defects. Well, maybe except for small children. And here the woman is primarily pressured by the stereotype imposed by society and history: a man should be strong and a woman beautiful. For this reason, men go to gyms, and women sit for hours in front of the mirror, making themselves beautiful.

I am in no way saying that there are not enough girls, but girls devote much more time and effort to the mirror and beauty salons.

The fact that every woman knows better than others what skin defects are on her face never allows her to relax. According to statistics, girls look in the mirror at least once every 2 hours. To feel confident, a girl needs to know that she is flawless, and that all her flaws are carefully covered under a layer of plaster.

Girls spend more on cosmetics than the average country on weapons.
So they win victories much more often!!!

Let's look at the question through the prism of growing up

Initially, girls are introduced to cosmetics from early childhood - watching mom's manipulations near the mirror.

Here, by the way, it would be appropriate to note that boys in early childhood begin to copy their mother’s manipulations with brushes in the mirror with the same success. But, since such actions of boys are not welcomed by either their mother or society, the boys quickly forget this hobby.

But girls transform it into a separate science as they grow up.

Girls begin to use cosmetics meaningfully and for their intended purpose at the age of 12-16 years.. The temporary difference depends on upbringing: how conservative the girl’s parents are, and whether they interfere with the growing up process. And of course, from the girl’s personal desire to appear more mature.

Nowadays it’s very funny to watch how sixth-graders use cosmetics, according to the principle: the bigger, the better. The coloring of the young charms resembles the war paint of the Comanche tribe.

But even with such an amateurish approach, girls can observe the miraculous power of cosmetics: girls with makeup look older and more experienced in the eyes of their peers. Boys pay more attention to them; at this age, notes with declarations of sincere, and most importantly, only love are typical. Now it’s funny, but in those years, I remember, it seemed very serious.

The assessment of the little beauty’s popularity depends on the number of recipients of love messages. The more classmates are in love, the higher the popularity rating! Usually such little ones know from childhood.

As girls acquire the skills of a makeup artist, they increasingly understand the power of magic, which is called cosmetics. It turns out that cosmetics can not only attract the eye, but also get rid of imperfections. The ugly duckling complex that characterizes adolescence is gradually beginning to dissipate, and girls are already seeing where there is more, where there is less, where it costs nothing to draw at all.

Having reached adulthood, girls already know what is best and are able to apply their knowledge in practice. After 20, girls already really know how to choose the right cosmetics, correct flaws correctly and emphasize advantages, look brighter and more beautiful.

And at this age, most girls can no longer imagine themselves without makeup. Putting on makeup is becoming such a common activity that even going to the store around the corner or throwing out the trash promises lengthy preparation in front of the mirror. And remember the joke that a girl doesn’t even go to bed without makeup, suddenly she dreams of her betrothed in disguise, and she will be without makeup . You can often hear that an unpainted girl feels almost naked.

Cosmetics really bring a girl a feeling of security, a feeling of her own irresistibility, and control over the situation. In general, a girl wearing makeup feels much more self-confident. And she is ready to pay dearly for this feeling! It's not just about money; allergic reactions to cosmetics can be very different.

Over time, applying makeup becomes almost a conditioned reflex. Moreover, the reflex is not to some external stimulus, but for life.

Over the years, women gain wisdom, begin to value skin health more than attractive appearance, and other values ​​appear in life. It’s clear that women are starting to use cosmetics less often. But I got ahead of myself, I suggest you consider:

Why don't women wear makeup?

Why do girls with makeup seem more attractive to men?

Of course, cosmetics hide flaws and highlight advantages. I have written about this several times above, and there is no point in repeating it. But in a deeper understanding of the process of seduction, which women's cosmetics are aimed at, a made-up girl, in a way, gives a signal to a man that she is ready to mate.

Even Barbie without makeup doesn't look so feminine.

It will be funny to note that thanks to intelligence, we have managed to bypass some of the laws of nature. We have sex not so much for procreation, but for pleasure. It would be interesting to find statistics on the percentage of relationships where the goal is procreation. Alas, Google was unable to give me an answer, so we can only guess. I think it's very small.

We engage in sex preferably for pleasure, thereby deceiving the basic instinct of procreation. But we cannot completely deceive our nature.

The instincts remained basic, which are akin to the instincts of animals. It is on these instincts that the entire cosmetics industry rests.

The ability of women to be sexually active without interruption from the moment of puberty is truly unique.

In animals, the process of puberty occurs somewhat differently. Under the influence of some calendar factor (this can be either an internal biological calendar or external manifestations: changes in the length of daylight hours, changes in climatic conditions), the animal’s reproductive system is activated. The animal immediately notifies other animals with some external signs, these could be: a change in appearance, the release of special odors, some special sounds.

Those animals for whom these manifestations are not intended will be left indifferent by such demonstrations. But in those individuals to whom these signals are intended, response instinctive programs are activated. And then all sorts of mating games, male competitions and other manifestations of the desire to mate begin.

In the supposed majority of animal species, the female gives signals and the males respond to them.

Just as animals respond to signals that females are ready to mate, in humans these signals and responses are inherent at the genetic level. The female gives signals about her puberty by external signs, and the males will be happy to support it. Thanks to the presence of intelligence in our species, this primitive game acquires different rules.

But the essence remains the same - the guys are waiting for a signal from the girl.

Now I have come to the most cherished secret of the cosmetology industry. Without realizing it, girls apply kilograms of expensive plaster on themselves in order to show guys about their puberty. Until today, all this happened unconsciously, but after reading this article, the curtain opened.

Puberty in girls ends at the age of 17-19 years. During this period, the lips become plump, the skin becomes softer, and the girl turns into a sexy girl. That is, the girl gives outwardly those signals that are characteristic of animals during the activation of sexual functions. Here I ask for a little attention: The goal of cosmetics is to bring a girl/woman closer to these characteristics at any age. Little girls strive to grow up, grown women strive to look young. Everyone wants (even if they don’t understand it) to look sexually mature without signs of aging.

Why do girls paint their eyes?

During sexual arousal, women's eyes become wider and their pupils dilate. These are purely physiological indicators. Applying mascara to eyelashes, pencil to eyebrows, drawing arrows around the eyes - all this makes the eyes appear larger, giving the look an external semblance of excitement.

Why do girls paint their lips?

During sexual arousal in girls, blood rushes to both the labia and the lips of the mouth. Painted lips outlined with pencil give the seductresses a look of excitement.

Why do girls paint their nails?

Paradoxically, you can learn from a physiology textbook that during sexual arousal, blood also rushes to the fingertips. It turns out that initially this tradition carries the same motives as the previous two.

Why do girls open their mouths when they put makeup on their eyes?

I brought this question here motivated by the same atrophied sense of humor that Mother Nature awarded me. I just googled the question why girls open their mouths when they put on makeup, and here’s how many interesting answers I found:

one of my friends answered this question:

Yul, why do you open your mouth when you are painting your eyes?

Bone, when you poop, why do you read the ingredients in the air freshener?

Fuck, just like that...

It’s like I want to see the bumps on my tongue in my mouth!

For elasticity of soft tissues. Men do the same when they shave.

So that the skin tightens and then all the wrinkles are removed from the eyes: then it becomes more convenient to apply makeup. Just s-s-s-s, don’t tell anyone!

If a girl breathes only through her nose, she lacks oxygen and her head begins to tremble a little, so she has to open her mouth, full breathing ensures the balance of the head!

there is such a statement! that a woman opens her mouth because she lacks intimate relationships! here!

The girl opens her mouth because she thinks that if she opens her mouth, her eyes will be wider.

Face pulled

To remember to paint your lips...

So that your ears don't bleed!

For balance, so that the head does not shake

It’s just that when you open your mouth, your eyes become larger, making them easier to paint..

We show men our abilities.

Because the muscles are the same - facial muscles. You can keep the upper muscles tense (open your eyes, because it’s more comfortable, etc.), but it’s hard to keep the lower muscles (around the mouth) relaxed at the same time.

Try to open your mouth all the way and so that the muscles around the eyes are relaxed. Possible, but difficult.

Muscles are interconnected.

Men, try to paint your own eyes at least once, just for fun, so that no one sees, then you’ll understand!

Guys, why do you open your mouth when you shave???

Girls open their mouths because when applying eyelashes they lift their head up, after which the skin on the chin tightens, thereby opening the girl’s mouth.

Choose for yourself which answer you like best, personally I like all the answers!

Well, that seems to be all. When I decided to answer the question of why girls wear makeup on my blog, I thought it would take at most a couple of hours of my time. In reality, I prepared this article for two days, of course with breaks for sleep, main work, food, gym and walks with the child.

Finally, I want to show those girls who, surprisingly, have not yet thrown their computer monitor into the garbage chute after all the jokes that I allowed myself today, a video. Learn from the Japanese women how to apply makeup.

On my own behalf, I wish all girls to always remain beautiful without using cosmetics. But don’t forget about cosmetics, we men like it.

Good luck, and see you again, exciting meetings.

Was in touch Vitaly Okhrimenko!

90 comments on “Why do girls wear makeup without breaks or weekends?”

    An interesting and informative article, especially for men. Women lure us with their “war color” and force us to capitulate. Loved the reasons why women open their mouths while painting their eyes.

    Yes, I got crazy while I was studying

    I think most girls don’t even know about the true purpose of cosmetics, but thanks to this article everyone learned why girls wear makeup and what Barbie looks like without makeup! 🙂 And the list of why women don’t wear makeup can be supplemented with points: long live summer! and are too lazy to wash off makeup.

    Anna, why wear less makeup in the summer? I somehow didn't notice. Anyone who does this every day will wear makeup in the summer.

    Some people stop putting makeup on their eyes, others don’t paint their lips, and still others refuse to apply plasters all over their faces. There are many options, but of course, a small percentage of girls adhere to this point.

    In principle, I don’t mind, but there are other contestants who may not like it. Let's do this, in the next article I will ask the contestants if they would be against one more participant, or even arrange a survey, and if at least 5 people agree to accept you, then I will do it with pleasure!

    So you yourself have added to the list, for which I bow to you

    In summer, cosmetics behave very capriciously, so they apply them to a minimum.

    The theme of the open mouth is inexplicable to us. Everyone does this, but they can’t explain it to themselves. Thanks for the interesting version.

    Vitaly, I read your article to the end, I didn’t break the monitor, I just laughed with you. He noticed everything correctly - you can’t remove the words from the song!

    Make sure to wash off your makeup, otherwise the consequences of this laziness will be noticeable soon.

    The versions are really interesting

    Will the consequences be revealed by skin defects?

    My makeup is standard both in winter and summer.

    Oh, you made me laugh, Vitakha! We need to keep an eye on my wife.

    Yeah, I asked my wife why this happens, she didn’t answer.

    Yes, it’s a shame to break the monitor; then you’ll have to buy a new one.

    I read the article to the end. It was funny)

    I came to the following conclusion: you won’t please you men. I will paint for myself. It's uplifting

    The article, strictly speaking, was written for the purpose of laughing for oneself and does not contain any useful information

    Of course, wear makeup, but I’ve also heard that buying new underwear lifts girls’ spirits

    Wonderful article. I laughed heartily, especially about the open mouth. It's funny, I always open it too when I paint my lips:
    Vitaly, more articles like this on the blog, they make it more alive!

    And he won’t be able to answer. Not a single girl knows why this happens, and all the options that Vitaly described only show how many options there can be

    This is right on point! When I’m sad or bored, I go to the store for new underwear, it immediately becomes somehow fun... it’s a pity the guy is not here right now, so we’ll just cheer ourselves up

    Well, it’s okay, I’m sure such a pretty girl will definitely have one soon, unless of course he passes the test

    It was interesting to know what men think about why girls wear makeup! I laughed heartily!
    I think that most girls wear makeup for their loved ones; feeling irresistible is so wonderful! Especially when you hear compliments.

    I'm more interested in why many men have already started wearing makeup now.

    Probably, few men began to wear makeup, but only of a certain sexual nature.

    God grant that it stays that way

    Not only skin defects, but if you do not wash off, for example, mascara, this can result in eye disease.

    So being beautiful turns out to be dangerous to health?

    If you use good cosmetics and then wash them off in the evening, I don’t think there will be any harm to your health.

    Yes, Tatyana, there was a typo in my previous comment, I wanted to write a few, but I wrote many. Please excuse me. Although I meet guys of normal orientation who dye their hair, wear earrings and ponytails. In our time there were no such things. And now it’s all around. Look, in 30 years they will wear makeup just like the girls.

    That's right, Irina, you should always put on makeup only for yourself - your beloved!

    I hope it won’t come to this: men won’t wear makeup. But it’s good that you started taking care of yourself in terms of hygiene.

    I wouldn't say that 30 years ago guys didn't have good hygiene. Of course, there are individuals who do not like cleanliness, both now and in the past, but there are certainly not many of them. And I doubt that they are popular with girls. So we didn’t start, but always took care of ourselves in terms of hygiene.

    True, Ksyusha. Now, when I put on makeup in front of the mirror, I constantly remember Vitaly’s article.

    Everything should be in moderation. Then there will be no threat to health.

    Shopping in general always cheers up girls.)) And the more expensive the purchases, the better the mood.

    Nowadays, girls more often begin to take on men's responsibilities. And guys are becoming more feminine. And the problem will only get worse over time.

    Yes, Ekaterina, you are right, the difference between the sexes is being erased, which is a pity, because how beautiful feminine girls and masculine guys are!
    Although, who knows, maybe everything will return to normal! And again the femininity of some and the masculinity of others will come into fashion.

    Ekaterina, only after expensive shopping, you need to remember to change the price tags. From your panties - onto your husband's shirt, and from your husband's shirt - onto your panties.
    So that he would say in surprise: Honey, you shouldn’t have bought me such an expensive shirt!
    And you answer: For you, dear, I don’t feel sorry for anything! I even agree to wear cheap panties!

    Cool, Irina, what a laugh. I just called my wife over to the computer to read it. Class!
    Did you hear this joke somewhere, or did you come up with it yourself?

    You know, I think this war (God forbid it escalates) will again bring into fashion masculine men and feminine women... although it is much more pleasant to hug fragile girls

    Vitaly, I didn’t invent this, life and women’s ingenuity invent this. There are quite a lot of jokes with a similar meaning. I think that more than one woman has resorted to such tricks.

    I completely agree with you! A fragile and defenseless girl in the arms of a strong man is wonderful!
    As for the war, I really want this nightmare to end as soon as possible. No political motives are worth people's lives, their happiness and peace of mind.

    There is an old wise saying: lords fight, but men's foreheads crack. Very relevant to our time

    Interesting article. I never understood why girls wear makeup, because natural beauty is much better, if, of course, you lead the right lifestyle.

    Oh, I’ll definitely take the advice)) They say correctly, live and learn))

    Every girl wants to look better, brighter, more beautiful compared to other girls.

    Made me laugh, Irina. What can women not think of? And shopping can really lift your spirits, you make it fun in a special way!!

    Ivan used the exact name - “War Color”. This is exactly why girls put on makeup, to capture guys.

    Every girl is different and each has her own reason for opening her mouth when applying makeup to her eyes. Let it remain a secret.

    The main thing that the girls noticed was that cosmetics made them more beautiful, even when they painted their cheeks with ordinary beets.
    And since then it’s already gone... and you can’t stop it.

    All girls know that before going to bed they need to wash off their makeup so that it does not get absorbed into the pores of the face and cause skin diseases.

    Women are fools, that’s why they wear makeup and ruin themselves with this infection
    women be real and naughty

    I can’t agree with this passerby... girls, you are our dears, put on your makeup to your health, please our eyes. And don’t listen to these smart guys who shout “be real.” Naturalness is great, but cosmetics are cool!

    I noticed that at a young age you smear everything on your face, the main thing is to make it brighter and more impressive, but over time you begin to read the composition of cosmetic products and choose ones that are safe and take care of your skin.

    Very pertinent comment, thank you!

    I can answer the question why girls open their mouths when they paint their eyes. when you open your mouth and stretch your chin to the mirror, tilting your head back, the rim of skin around the eyeball, along which the eyelashes grow, stretches. when you apply mascara, for example, to the upper eyelid separately and the lower eyelid separately, you need to ensure that the brush does not catch the upper and lower eyelids at the same time

    I notice that many people don’t even know how to put on makeup, especially schoolgirls who put on a couple of tons of “combat makeup” and walk down the street, thinking it’s cool. Alas, this looks pathetic. If an adult girl wears makeup moderately, this is the best option, since natural beauty should not be hidden behind layers of makeup. It's a matter of taste and the girl's principle

    for some reason, among birds, males often have decorated feathers rather than females. But with people it’s the other way around, females jump, dance, paint themselves, everything, as long as the male gives his seed))) and dominates other females

    You shouldn’t put on too much makeup; you need to know when to stop everything. It’s clear that you want to look bright, but this is not always necessary, so you should give your skin a break from the extra layer of “plaster”

    It is possible that every girl, in the hope of meeting a guy, puts on makeup every day with the thought that suddenly she will get the opportunity to meet someone, but she doesn’t look very good. That's why many girls even put on makeup on weekends, if, of course, they're going out somewhere, not to mention going to a club, where they look like they've put on makeup for the first time)

    Well, I don’t know how you guys think about girls, but I wear makeup very rarely and I feel beautiful, even if I have slightly visible circles under my eyes. My husband loves me very much and he doesn’t like it if I suddenly decide to “paint up my lips/cheeks”, because then it’s bitter for him to make smacks)
    In general, the main thing is to smile, then your face will be beautiful even without makeup! You don't need to wear makeup often. It’s beautiful, yes, but when you suddenly look at such a girl without makeup, it becomes scary. “Plaster” makeup is especially scary - it’s self-deception. It’s like you put on a mask and walk around with it all your life, without showing who you really are. That's why I only resort to makeup on holidays or if my face looks really stale

And a pencil, lip liner, heels, a fur coat, a hat, a bag with documents, a laptop, a wallet, keys, a screwdriver (in case you return home late), a charger, a pack of ibuprofen, an energy bar, another charger, a stack of receipts...

More than a third of women do not go out without full makeup, and then they correct it every two to three hours. Of the remaining 90%, they consider it indecent to go to work without at least applying eyelashes.

Who do we paint for? Men are confident that it is for them. In various surveys on the topic of what kind of women they are attracted to, they always speak out about cosmetics. The most common requirement for women's makeup on their part is that it must be present (“a girl without makeup on her face doesn’t take care of herself”), but not be too bright (“I want to approach a provocatively made-up girl and ask how much her services cost”). In general, again the standard male “women should.”

Advertising supports this postulate “women should”: from the pages of magazines look out the painted, photoshopped faces of celebrities and a page-long list of expensive products that every woman must have in her cosmetic bag if she does not want to be branded a slob and a loser.

In the first episode of the series “Walking Through Torment,” a young girl from an intelligent family, Dasha Bulavina, travels in a carriage from the station early in the morning in St. Petersburg. It takes place shortly before the 1917 revolution. The camera zooms in and we see that the actress is wearing full combat makeup: eye shadow, mascara, contour and lip gloss, cheekbones highlighted with powder. Of course, the real Dasha in such conditions could not have ended up wearing so much makeup (or wearing makeup at all, for that matter). But we are used to films in which the heroine wakes up early in the morning with false eyelashes and hairstyle. It’s almost impossible to see a woman without bright makeup on screen.


By the way, advertising has changed noticeably in recent years. Firstly, the list of “must-have” cosmetic products that is imposed on women has become noticeably longer (until relatively recently, concealers and facial tint were not included in this list). Secondly, manufacturers began to teach girls to wear makeup every day from the age of five or six. Have you seen all those children's cosmetics sets with glitter, mermaids and princesses on the packaging? Mi-mi-mi! For a boy - a construction set, for a girl - children's lipstick and eye shadow!

It is also clear why men need feminine makeup. It's just nice. It's nice when all the women around you bend over backwards to please you. You're riding in a minibus to work in the morning, slightly shaved and hastily sprayed with cologne, and with a critical eye you look at the women around you. That one's eye is swollen, who puts on makeup so sloppily, that one with a crooked hand. And that one there is nothing, only the lipstick is too bright - she put on makeup like a whore. Well, in general, everything around is bright, beautiful, as if on a holiday, even though it happens at 8 am in October on a working day in Tyumen.

But why do women themselves need to spend half an hour every morning painting their faces? Why can men afford to go out without makeup, but we can’t? It's not such a strange question if you think about it.

“I feel psychologically uncomfortable when I don’t have a single ounce of makeup on my face, it seems like everyone is looking at me and thinking: “How ugly.” Although I myself hate to look at girls without makeup.”

“Without makeup, I feel naked.”

A huge number of women spend a huge amount of money on cosmetics due to the fact that society has managed to drive unrealistic beauty standards into their heads, which in real life, without war paint, cannot be met.

This is a classic neurosis: without mascara on your eyelashes and lipstick on your lips, you feel naked.

Women are trained like dogs. They praise when they jump high enough and deftly catch the bone. Russian women are proud of being well-groomed, wearing makeup and wearing heels, while in Europe women increasingly walk around without an ounce of makeup on their faces and in comfortable shoes. In reality, our female “grooming” is a very sad symptom, and there is absolutely nothing to be proud of.

Or here's another one. Girls always say that they wear makeup “for themselves.” But what does this mean in reality? Yes, makeup is not applied in order to attract all the men in the area and choose the best male for reproduction, so that the men there do not think about it. Older women, girls as young as 12, and deeply married mothers of three children, who don’t care about the men around them from a high tower, wear makeup.

Of course, someone puts on makeup in order to be the most beautiful at a party, but this is still rare. To do this, you don’t need to spend half an hour every morning coloring and the same amount in the evening removing makeup.

To put on makeup “for yourself” translated means “to put on makeup to feel more confident in your own skin.”

“For me, cosmetics are my armor, my protection from the outside world, from condemnation, from everything... I hide behind it. I generally don’t go out without makeup. And this is not an attempt to please passers-by, this is an attempt to please yourself. Even in cosmetics, I only like myself in certain lighting...”

“It seems like I put on makeup, looked in the mirror and didn’t feel sick of myself.”

But why can girls actually feel sick of themselves without makeup? Because society teaches a woman that anyone she meets has the right to evaluate her appearance.

Makeup is a guise, a false “persona,” protection from the world. Russian women are more well-groomed than European women because they are less confident in themselves. Half of those who don’t go out without makeup don’t need a new eyeshadow palette and concealer, but an increase in self-esteem and antidepressants.

Text: Masha Norris

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