How to find out a person's character from a photograph. How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women by face shape: examples with descriptions, photos. Psychological photography as a way to know yourself

Is the photo sexy or serious? Alone or with friends? Details communicate to others what you did not intend to convey. Five conclusions that can be drawn based on photos on social networks.

Sexy photo - a blow to female friendliness

Women do not approve of those who openly demonstrate sexuality, be it behavior or something as simple as a red dress. This is nothing new, and in 2014, scientists from Oregon State University were convinced that the same is true on social networks.

The researchers created two pages of the woman with different photos. In one she was dressed provocatively - her stocking garters were visible from under her dress. In another, she was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a scarf.

Then girls aged 13-25 were asked to rate the pages based on how attractive and professional they thought the woman in the photo was and how much the survey participants would like to be friends with her. The page with sexy photos was less popular, but the biggest difference was in the assessment of professionalism: a frivolous photo did not inspire confidence among participants.

Be happy, but not too happy

Happy people who smile widely and frequently appear more friendly and approachable. But this is not always a plus for the employer.

Scientists from New York University in 2015 decided to find out what an ideal photo should look like on professional social networks. While researching photos on LinkedIn, they found that potential employers liked people the most when they looked “slightly happy” in their photos. How to depict this? Obviously, you don’t need to smile all the way through your mouth—raised corners of your lips and a relaxed, friendly expression are enough. People with such photos are considered more reliable than serious ones - “slightly” happy ones are trusted more.

Selfie is a mirror of the soul

Researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore tried to understand what information a selfie conveys. More sympathy is generated by those who look positive in the photo and do not hold the camera too high. Duckface lovers are most often considered nervous and emotionally unstable. Selfies that are difficult to determine where they were taken are attributed to the most conscientious individuals - perhaps suggesting that they are concerned about the secrecy of personal information. People don't always correctly judge the character of a person in a photo, but they usually hit the mark when it comes to the degree of openness and extroversion.

Where are you from

Your profile photo can tell you where you're from. Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and National Taiwan University compared the social media pages of Taiwanese and American students. Some of the students in Taiwan were US citizens and vice versa, but a person's national origin influences which profile photos they choose to display.

Natives of Taiwan chose general photos, and Americans chose portraits. Later, the same study was conducted with students from three American and three Asian universities, and the results were the same. Americans were less likely to show anything other than their face in the photo and smiled or showed other emotions more actively than Asian students.

To trust or not to trust

We want to look better, but too provocative photos provoke a negative assessment. But the good news is that different genders perceive sexuality differently. In 2015, researchers at the University of Connecticut conducted a study in which participants were asked to rate a profile photo on two dimensions: attractiveness and trustworthiness.

The men were shown two different photographs of the same women: ordinary and “improved” - with good lighting, styling and makeup. The women were shown two photographs of men. Men admitted that women look sexier in “improved” photos, but are less trustworthy. Women found men in beautiful photos not only more attractive, but also reliable.

Psychological portrait – today not a single organization can do without a procedure for assessing potential and personal qualities. Drawing up a psychological portrait of a child or adult helps to see what resources he has to realize himself, what qualities need to be cultivated, and which ones are better to get rid of through working on himself.

What is a psychological portrait?

A psychological portrait of a person is a complex characteristic with a description of internal character, temperament, and propensity for certain actions. The algorithm for drawing up a psychological portrait is based on:

  • visual assessment (behavior during a conversation, appearance, facial expressions, gestures);
  • collection of personal and anamnestic data;
  • analysis of tests and projective techniques.

Psychological portrait of personality

A deep psychological portrait consists of many parameters and includes a battery of tests following one another. When interpreting tests or projective techniques, it is important to remember that a personality cannot be driven into any specific framework and a psychological portrait is only a reflection that a person is free to use in life, but may not manifest them externally, considering it a weakness of character, and does everything in order to eradicate this quality.

Psychological portrait of a family

The socio-psychological portrait of a family can be analyzed by asking a person to draw his family in the form of animals. When interpreting a family portrait, special attention is paid to the nature of interaction between animals; there are elements of aggression (hooves, teeth, horns), as well as the proximity or distance of family members from each other. These moments indicate whether there are problems in the family in the form of violence or indifference. It is favorable when the animals depicted do something together.

Psychological portrait of twins

Twins - the psychological portrait of seemingly identical children will be very similar in psychological characters, but this is often not the case. If one of the twins can be talkative and open in front of others, then the second, on the contrary, is closed and stingy in showing emotions. More often than not, twins complement each other, so you shouldn’t be surprised if their psychological portraits are different.

Basics of drawing up a psychological portrait

A psychological portrait should be drawn up based on observation of a person, conversation with him and data collection. Drawing up a psychological portrait - order and basics:

  1. Personal data (gender, age, profession, place of work, marital status).
  2. Taking anamnesis (diseases, important life events).
  3. Behavior during conversation, research, testing.
  4. A comprehensive psychological portrait based on all previous points.

How to create a psychological portrait?

How to draw up a psychological portrait of a personality - this question interests many people engaged in self-knowledge and seeking to know the characteristics of those people who are nearby. To create a comprehensive psychological portrait of a personality, you need to examine the following criteria:

  • capabilities;
  • direction;
  • character;
  • strong-willed qualities;
  • locus of control;
  • self-esteem;
  • intelligence;
  • emotions;
  • ability to communicate.

Psychological portrait by date of birth

Ancient sages and astrologers believed that the date of birth of a person, including the day, hour, minutes, carry a huge meaning and can tell a lot about a person. A social psychological portrait of a person can be compiled using several systems:

  • astrology;
  • Human Design (several systems of astrological data and 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching are used here);
  • Pythagorean square (psychomatrix).

Psychological portrait based on handwriting

A psychological portrait of a person can be drawn up using the method of graphology, a science that deals with identifying connections between a person’s handwriting and his personal character traits. Handwriting studies have revealed the following interesting psychological facts about personality:

  • strong pressure indicates an energetic, efficient person;
  • weak pressure – romance and sensuality;
  • tilt to the left - self-sufficiency, self-interest above all;
  • tilt to the right - maximalism, leadership, falling in love and strong jealousy;
  • large handwriting – emotionality, openness;
  • small handwriting - secrecy and isolation;
  • rounded letters - a person is kind and generous;
  • angular letters - egocentrism;
  • directly written lines - confidence;
  • the lines ascend upward - vanity and ambition, pride;
  • the lines descend down - indecision, pessimism;
  • wavy lines - cunning, resourcefulness.

Psychological test using portraits of people

A psychological portrait from a photograph formed the basis for the creation by the Swiss psychoanalyst L. Szondi of a test for identifying mental disorders, which was named after the author’s surname. Compiling a psychological portrait from a person’s face, Szondi noticed a pattern when observing mental patients that they communicate mainly with people who have similar disorders. The test developed by a psychoanalyst allows us to identify not only pathology, but also a problem based on a combination of 8 main drives:

  • paranoia;
  • tendency to epilepsy;
  • depression;
  • difficulty in sexual self-identification;
  • hysteria;
  • catatonic manifestations;
  • sadism-masochism.

Psychological portrait based on Tarot cards

The simplest psychological portrait of the Tarot according to the archetypes of the major arcana (SA) can be obtained by adding up your entire date of birth, for example, the date 05/07/1998 turns out to be 7+5+1+9+9+8=39, a two-digit number is added again 3+9 =12 is the Hanged Man lasso, what can this card say? A person constantly goes through various kinds of initiations. A brief overview of personality characteristics based on SA:

  • 0 – Jester. A person has inherent qualities: the desire for the unknown, impulsiveness, frivolity;
  • 1 – Mage. High charisma and energy, leadership in life, desire for knowledge;
  • 2 – High Priestess. Strongly developed feminine principle, caring for others;
  • 3 – Empress. Family ties and continuity of generations are important for a person.
  • 4 – Emperor. The person is ambitious, a leader, with an iron will, authority;
  • 5 – High priest. Such people have high spiritual potential, are conservative and wise;
  • 6 – Lovers. For a person, it is important in life to find his ideal partner;
  • 7 – Chariot. Man comes to achieve maximum social achievements;
  • 8 – Justice. Responsible and with a high sense of justice, conscientious;
  • 9 – Hermit. Man comes to know himself, God, ;
  • 10 – Wheel of Fortune. These people are lucky ones, capable of being in the right place at the right time, they need to develop, to be in the thick of things;
  • 11 – Force. Internal stability, the ability to win people over and inspire trust;
  • 12 – Hanged. Selfless, those who often choose the spiritual path are prone to self-sacrifice;
  • 13 – Death. Such a person is oppressed by stagnation, he constantly needs change, he can change many professions and countries;
  • 14 – Moderation. A person with a sense of inner balance, fairness and tact;
  • 15 – Devil. Those born under this lasso came to experience sensual pleasures and enjoy material benefits;
  • 16 – Tower. Truth-seekers. Internal dissatisfaction with what is happening gives rise to conflict;
  • 17 – Star. A person striving for spirituality and the desire to create;
  • 18 – Moon. Gifted with supernatural abilities - mediums, clairvoyants, psychics;
  • 19 – Sun. Love of life, excellent health, generosity, enormous creative potential;
  • 20 – Court. Successful, highly moral people who bring their plans to completion;
  • 21 – World. Explorers and discoverers.

Psychological portrait from a drawing

Is it possible to create a psychological portrait based on a person’s drawing? Yes, general ideas about a person can be gleaned from his drawings, because when a person draws, he spills out his attitude, thoughts, and feelings onto paper. Projective techniques are considered highly reliable and are of great importance in interpreting a person’s state at the time of drawing. Psychological personal portrait - what you need to pay attention to when interpreting a drawing:

  • schematic representation - may indicate high intelligence;
  • realistic image - a person of a pedantic nature, attentive to all the details;
  • metaphorical image in the form of an animal, a creature – a creative personality;
  • aesthetic image – aesthetics is inherent in humans.

As a rule, in psychological tests, in order to get a description of your personality, you need to answer questions, but in this online physiognomic test everything is different. Here you just need to upload a close-up photo of yourself. Next, the algorithm will automatically analyze facial features and provide a personality profile. That's it, everything is simple, fast, and most importantly online and completely free!

To get a reliable result, your photo must meet several criteria:

  • The photo should show a close-up of the face (full face)
  • the face should have a neutral expression (without a smile or any grimace)
  • preferably no makeup, glasses or other elements that hide facial features
  • if you have long hair, tie it back to leave your face and forehead open

How to take a facial features test?

After loading the image, you can scale it (with the mouse wheel) and move it. Place the photo so that the face is in the center of the working area and occupies its entire height. In this case, the chin should be at the bottom edge of the working area, and the hairline at the top. On the left you see a photo of the famous actress Angelina Jolie, which meets all the requirements.

After uploading and posting the photo, click the “Analyze” button. That's it, no more actions are required, wait a couple of seconds while the physiognomic analysis of facial geometry is in progress and get the result!

12.02.2017 279313 +704

Take free psychological tests-----

Day 1
The theory of modern psychological portrait

Modern psychological portrait. History, trends, goals and objectives of surveying.
Means of expression in a modern psychological portrait.
How to find contact with a stranger. The psychology of working with a model on a shoot. Practical advice.
Discussion of photographs.
Your own “Photographer’s Path”.
Photographer as artist. Art is the statement of the artist.
Discovery of new things as the goal of art.
The creative path of a modern photographer as an artist. Inner freedom. How to combine work for a customer and your own development.
Multi-level perception by the viewer of works of art.
Two different approaches. Color and monochrome in photography.

Day 2
Photography practice and portfolio review
50 ways to improve your people photos.
Light in photography. Black and white drawing. Properties and characteristics of light. Review of lighting equipment for shooting in the studio and at home.
Classification of light sources for shooting portraits. Using one source for shooting.
Classic lighting schemes. Shooting staged portraits.
Dynamic lighting schemes. Studio shooting of spontaneous emotional portraits.
Digital black and white photography. Color filters and color temperature of light sources.
Nuances of lighting in a male and female portrait.
Practice photographing a man's, woman's, child's portrait with various lighting schemes.
Practice shooting a group portrait. "Underwater rocks".
Portfolio review. Individual or group discussion of the works of master class participants.

Find a real person


Do you like photographing people, you give your all in every shoot, and yet you realize that sometimes something is missing and the images don’t come out alive enough? You can know everything about composition, shooting techniques, types of cameras and silver bromide printing, but if you cannot build a proper relationship with the model, you are better off shooting still lifes or limiting yourself to “best manager of the month” shoots.

There are no universal rules, but I present a few general tips based on my experience as a portrait artist in this lesson.

I should note that we are talking here specifically about creating an artistic staged portrait. Business portraiture is done completely differently than shooting with professional models. But if you have been approached by a person who needs to create a portfolio to make his dream of becoming an actor come true, or, more likely, who simply wants to get good, real and live photographs of himself or his loved one, taken by a professional, I think my advice will be useful to you.

1. Imagine yourself in their shoes

It seems to me that every portrait photographer needs to at least once turn to his colleague, preferably a complete stranger, in order to act as a model. I want to tell you a secret: most people are scared. Imagine, you have to come to some complete stranger in some unfamiliar place, or invite him to your home, an abode of peace and comfort, give him slippers, and then open up in every possible way and listen with a smile to shouts like “Suck your stomach in.” ! Back straight! Chin forward! Why are you so tense? And for all this stress you will also pay a lot of money. Scary, isn't it?

I was scared, although I was filmed by a very nice person and a real professional. But it was still scary. Keep this in mind, and don't be surprised that sometimes it can be very difficult to get a model to open up to you.

2. Get to know each other

Before meeting for the shoot, chat with the future model. Social networks, email, telephone and other benefits of civilization simplify this process significantly, choose any convenient option.

So, you received a standard request: “ Good afternoon, I liked your work, I would like to shoot with you

Start a conversation or correspondence. Ask what ideas and wishes the model has regarding the image in which she would like to appear in front of her grandchildren. What is the purpose of the shoot? What does she want to see as a result? Offer your help in choosing an image, dream up together.

Very often people themselves do not know what they want and the classic answer to this question is: “I just want to take pictures and make them look beautiful”. I assure you, few people actually want to “just act.” There are girlfriends and friends for this, and every second person has a semi-professional SLR camera, and there is absolutely no need to shell out a large sum for a professional photographer. They came to you for professionalism, remember this.

Ask them to send you a couple of photos, think about what might suit this person’s appearance type and offer several options. When you see which one the model liked, you can immediately understand more about the person's character and preferences and develop the theme.

Important Tip: Never and under no circumstances try to photograph a person in an image that does not suit him. A cheerful, ruddy donut will not make a femme fatale; it will look funny and ugly. But she will make a wonderful image of a bright village peasant girl. You can put a lot of effort into “pulling” an inharmonious image onto a person, and the result will be disastrous. In the context of custom commercial photography, do not start from your idea, the model is primary.

3. Don't be abstract

If it seems to you that all your participation in the shooting process is the shooting itself, then you are very mistaken. When you have decided on the image and location, start selecting clothes and props. Little things are very important to create the mood of a photo.

Most people have difficulties with free time, and sometimes they themselves do not know what good things they have in their closet. Start a topic. Ask a couple of leading questions about items of clothing, maybe there is already something in stock that is very suitable for the image. For many, the easiest way is to come to the shoot as they go every day, and let you shoot it.

Make it interesting for everyone. A portrait photographer is usually a stylist, a fashion designer, a loader, a cleaner and a mass entertainer. Be prepared for this if you want to create really interesting shots. Sometimes I made hats and jewelry myself to complete the model’s look.

Many people, if the idea interests them, are ready to gladly help in finding and making props. One of my models herself made clouds out of cotton wool, and another, especially for the shoot, was not too lazy to go and buy a table that she didn’t need at all, simply because she was interested.
If possible, find out what your model does and enjoys, this can provide you with new opportunities. But you shouldn’t be intrusive and interrogate. Question: “Perhaps you have some favorite hobby that we could use in the frame?” - quite suitable.

4. The evening before the shoot

Schedule the shoot on a day that is convenient for both of you. You, the photographer, should be cheerful and full of energy, and so should the model. So January 1, February 24 and March 9 are not suitable for obvious reasons. Jokes aside, you should delicately focus the model’s attention on a number of points:

Check to see if there are any major events planned the day before, and if so, offer to reschedule the shoot for a quieter time.

Ask to go to bed early and not drink a lot of fluids so that the face is not swollen and bruises under the eyes are obvious. Believe me, it will be much easier for you to do post-processing yourself.

Ask your model NOT to diet before the shoot. This is a favorite pastime of all girls, and it does not always have a positive effect on complexion and skin condition, especially if it was a volitional decision not to eat for three days and urgently lose 10 kg. You can always take a beautiful photo with a sufficient level of professionalism, but it’s hard to imitate a healthy blush and sparkle (not hungry) in the eyes.

And yes, ask not to make drastic experiments with your appearance and not to brightly paint your nails and face, unless this is what your image suggests. Bright pink nails in a subtle look are a surefire way to spend hours with Photoshop.

And don’t forget to prepare yourself thoroughly, gather all your equipment the night before and go to bed early. Because if tomorrow a model sees a vaunted professional half asleep, she will probably feel insecure. Your energy and confidence are the key to success.

5. Day X

1) Talk

Even if you are a very busy person, I recommend that you do not schedule multiple shoots on the same day. Unless you are working with professional models, remember that a custom photo shoot for people is a highlight. Make it so. Haste rarely benefits the result.

So, the model has come to your studio or home. There is no need to start removing it right from the doorstep or rush it. Offer some tea and talk. It is important. You need to understand what kind of person you are working with in order to build a communication pattern. It is not necessary to talk about filming; moreover, it is not very advisable at first.

People are different, but if you openly make contact without being too intrusive, a response is guaranteed. People feel goodwill. The models and I cooked food together several times for the shoot. I have to tell you, this brings us very close.

2) Create an environment

Try to bring the conversation to the topic of your idea. You can choose the appropriate musical accompaniment if you want, this helps to tune in to the same wavelength, but here you need to be sure of the similarity of preferences, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite.

3) Create comfortable conditions

Your model should be comfortable. If the shooting takes place at your home, don’t let it blow from the windows, don’t let the milk run out, and don’t let the legs of the posing stool break off. Think in advance about possible locations for shooting and poses, check everything. If filming takes place in a studio, prepare a place to rest. If you're filming outdoors, even more so.

Last winter I did two shoots with almost half-naked girls on the street in Epiphany frosts. You can judge for yourself the degree of comfort of the atmosphere. I made sure to take extra warm clothes with me and make some mulled wine. It’s not difficult for me, the model is pleased, the shooting becomes more comfortable. We came up with a place for heating and tried to film very quickly.

Put yourself in their position. You are captured by the process and inspiration, but they are cold, creepy and want to go home.

4) Don't be shy to praise

Most non-professional models, and we are talking about them now, feel very insecure at first. Help with choosing a pose, show that you know what you are doing, your confidence will rub off on the model. When you find a good angle, be sure to praise the model, it’s nice. Rejoice out loud at a successful shot.

Believe me, when they hear the phrase carelessly dropped by you: “Mommies, what a nightmare!”, most people will take it personally and hide in a protective shell. And then try to get a real person from there.

5) Find the main thing

When you start shooting, take the time to “shoot in.” There are a few general rules regarding photographing people, such as:

Triangular face type should not be shot from above

A round face should not be shot from below or from the front; even diffused lighting rarely works well.

If the model has deep-set eyes, do not use an overhead lighting scheme.

A full figure should not be photographed from the front, people with a belly should not be photographed in profile, etc.

But I want to upset you: each time you have to select the shooting angle individually. These general rules only help to weed out completely unsuccessful options and not waste time on them. But when you come across a face with a wide chin, which is best photographed from above, but also with deep-set eyes that are not visible at all from above, you will have to work hard. The human face is asymmetrical, so it is best to ask the model to turn her head in different directions and try several angles, choosing the most successful one.

Be observant and see what traits the model doesn’t like about herself. You may adore people with pronounced facial features and aristocratic, chiseled noses, but a model may consider these features completely unattractive. If you focus on what she doesn’t like, consider the shots wasted or made for your home collection.

6) What are you doing here, excuse me?

I advise you to think in advance about one of the main questions of an artistic staged portrait: what is the model doing in the frame? It is advisable to write down for yourself the basic concept of the shooting or sketch a couple of sketches, resolving issues of semantic and emotional components.

Is the model thoughtful? Well, stationery and notepaper are typical for thoughtfulness.

Is the model playful? Well, depending on the age of the model and her wishes, pick up anything from a teddy bear to fluffy handcuffs. Or not fluffy.

The image of an intellectual? Glasses and books.

Madness? There are generally no limits to your imagination. Don't be afraid to get creative, using proven methods and clear symbolism is good, but something original is always better. The main thing is not to overdo it. If you go too far in your sentences, the model may not understand you and may feel tense. It is better to think together and lead each other.

7) Take breaks

Give the model a break. Being caught up in the shoot, you may not notice the passage of time, but pay close attention to the model's face: you will see when she begins to tire.

Take a break for a couple of minutes. Talk, have a smoke, let yourself catch your breath. Posing is hard. Even when it comes to sitting on a chair for an hour. Have you tried sitting on a chair for an hour, doing nothing and trying not to breathe so as not to ruin the shot?

8) Powder will save the world!

Don't be afraid to get dirty. There are such creative ideas that involve smeared paint, universal chaos or dirty walls. Ideally, of course, this should happen on your territory. I sometimes spent several hours cleaning the apartment after some particularly stormy shooting, and I don’t regret it at all, because the result was excellent.

If you come to the model’s territory and have not discussed such options in advance, on the contrary, try to choose something calmer and not destroy the person’s house. Your arrival should not be remembered as chaos and the subsequent two-day deep cleaning.

If we litter, help us clean up. Appreciate other people's space. Don't feel sorry for yours. People really appreciate it when they see that you are willing to endure inconvenience to get a good shot. But you are ready, I’m sure.

And one more thing - do not ask the model to get into the mud if you are not ready to get there yourself. You are the guide and you lead by example.

I found traces of these two shootings at home, even several months later.

9) Don't get overwhelmed

There are situations when the model tries to guide the process. The following phrases are often heard:

And take me off like this. And now it’s like this!

And you stand there and just press the little black button. Don't give in to temptation. You are the professional here. If the model's proposal is successful, agree and use it. If you see that it is not, then complaints will be made against you later.

And when I posed in front of the mirror, it looked good! It's just that you don't know how to shoot!

I think few people would want to hear such a reproach, right?

Only you are responsible for your results. You can film what they show you, and then slowly remove it, in return asking you to adjust your pose and filming it well. Don't argue, try to find a compromise.

10) Shall we play?

If we are not talking about official filming, the photo shoot should be interesting and, if possible, fun. Ask the model to play. Try something funny like throwing tomatoes at the photographer or throwing clothes around. People are different, but for some it can help them relax and have fun, and as a result, the shots will come out more alive.

Ask them to portray different emotions, this can give you impetus for developing the idea of ​​a photo shoot. Don't be afraid to experiment with poses and the placement of hands and objects in the frame. Don't focus too much on the rule of thirds and patterns: what to do and what not to do. This is your vision, your world and only you can decide what to do here.

11) Be more humane

You need to love your model. It sounds strange, but it's true. When you see her for the first time, try to immediately notice the beautiful and unique features of her appearance and figure out how to capture them in the most advantageous way.

A good photographer must be somewhat empathic and feel the state of his model. The person trusts you, find the best in him. I am firmly convinced that there are no ugly people - there are bad photographers.

If you approach shooting a model with the mood of “well, this is who nature rested on,” most likely nothing good will come of it. If you yourself don’t think the person you’re photographing is beautiful, how can you convey beauty?

12) Don’t go too far

When trying to be friendly, remember when to stop. People don't like familiarity. You should not tell models about your problems, weaknesses and experiences.

You should never drink with models. Many of my models later became my good friends, but that’s another conversation. While you are a model and photographer, follow an appropriate line of behavior - and be a professional.

6. If it doesn’t stick

If you understand that communication with a model is still tense, you don’t like this person or you don’t know how to remove him, the choice is always yours.

  1. You can include all your technicality, minimize communication and shoot a regular craft picture. Most likely, the model will be satisfied with the quality.
  2. You can ask to reschedule the shoot, apologizing, if you think it will help and that the timing is bad.
  3. If you understand that a person is deliberately going into conflict, return to the first option or apologize and politely ask to leave the room. No amount of money or negative word of mouth from a brawler is worth your nerves and your conscience.

7. A few words about “nude”

It is difficult to undress in front of a stranger. In front of someone you know, but not close to you, it’s even more difficult. In front of several people... You know, some people have nightmares about this topic.

When shooting nudes, you should be very delicate with the model, do not ask her to take provocative poses, unless you want to see a typical mask a la “femme fatale” in the picture. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be embarrassed yourself, because if you, a professional, are embarrassed, that means it’s shameful.

The body is a canvas, a set of beautiful lines. Explain it and be able to show it. Showing your real personality when shooting nudes is very difficult, but it is possible. Someone closes down, while someone’s defensive reaction is triggered, and the person begins to hide in unnaturalness and ostentatious images. Frankly, I don’t even know which is worse.

Try to shoo away all the assistants and makeup artists during the shoot. Talk to the model, communicate, help with choosing a position, look for the best angles. Don't be nervous yourself. The red thread should be the conviction that a naked person is the same person, only naked.

I speak from the position of a woman who mainly shoots female nudes. Many male photographers have told me that male and female nudes are very different. I won’t preach sexism, I’ll say the main thing: try to photograph a person, not a sexual object, unless that’s exactly what your idea is.

There is one more point: I warn the models in advance that I do not shoot nudes “on the table” and we discuss where I can post these pictures. My website and blog are non-negotiable, and social media is optional. Some allow you to post pictures everywhere, but not sign your name. Some ask to hide their face. All this needs to be discussed before filming begins. And - yes - even after that, my nudes are filmed. Remember that you cannot please everyone. Always know what you want.


Undoubtedly, the approach I have proposed will require a lot of energy and mental strength from you. But in the end, you will get live shots and grateful eyes of your models, who years later will admit that working with you is the best thing in their photography experience.

I think you all remember and know the story of the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, who walked with a lantern in broad daylight and exclaimed “I am looking for a man!” Look for the person, because in fact this is the most valuable thing that can be in your portrait.

Thank you for your attention